A satisfying meal for Sunday. This recipe is good enough to share with four persons. It is another style of cooking beef tenderly and deliciously in fresh tomato sauce. So, try this one to make a difference!
Ingredients are: 1/4 kl. of beef meat, sliced in two inches long; 2 pieces of potatoes, sliced; 1 medium sized onion, chopped; 5 cloves of garlic, chopped; two teaspoons of soy sauce; 1/2 cup of tomatoes; sliced; 1 teaspoon black powder pepper; 1/4 cup of spring onion, cut in small size for ganishing; salt; oil and remaining water.

Procedure: (1) Mix the beef with soy sauce and black powder pepper. Let the mixture stay for ten minutes and boil it in a pot until it becomes tender. Once the beef is done, take it from the pot and drain. Separate the remaining water. (2). In a pan with oil, saute the garlic, and onion until they become brownish. Then add the tomatoes and wait until the natural oil and sauce come out. Add the potato and cook it for 10 minutes. Then add the beef and mix it well. Leave it on fire for ten minutes. Put a little water (remaining water) if necessary together with the salt according to your taste. After, you take it from the pan and garnish it with spring onion.