Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Spicy Fish Stew with Shredded Cabbage

Fish is versatile and it creates a sufficient yumminess depending on your preference and preparation. 
Here are the ingredients to prepare and steps to follow for this simple and tasty stew.
12 kilo of fish,
3 large tomatoes, sliced; 
1 medium sized onion, cut into small pieces; 
3 cloves of garlic, minced; 
1 teaspoon, crushed black pepper;
 4 pcs. of red chili, cut;

Friday, 29 March 2013

The DANGER of Tap Water

Everyday people in the world consume tons of water for drinking. But, perhaps we might think twice after knowing the dangers of drinking tap water to your health and well-being. We take for granted the purity of the tap water.

      There are reports that tap water has several contaminations and bacteria which are hazardous to our health. Currently, various studies indicate different dangerous elements present in tap water brought about by aging pipes which have a potential capacity to carry parasites and bacteria causing a lot of sickness to people. Therefore, to kill these parasites and breed bacteria, water is treated by using the traditional way-filtering out particles in the water. In addition, to disinfect, chlorine is added to the water reservoir.
In other countries, ammonia is also used. This is called Chloramine (a derivative of ammonia by substitution of one, two or three hydrogen atoms with chlorine atoms). It helps to stabilize chlorine, stopping the latter from evaporation. In addition, water treated with chloramine eliminates chlorine odor and improves taste.

      The drawback of Chloramine might be passively left out. Actually, it harms fish, turtles, and frogs since the chemical passes through their gills. Does Chloramine single out human beings? If it is not safe for animals, then it is not safe for human beings too! In this case, we die little by little since we consume it slowly, and it is accumulated over a long period of time-20 years or 30 years? To think about lead (damaging brain and decreasing intelligence in children, increasing high blood pressure in adults, low weight upon birth), growing bacteria inside the pipeline or reservoir, corrosion and rusting inside pipe and tanks, pesticides, mercury, residues from land decay, germs, viruses, etc., we should start to boil our water for ten minutes without the use of aluminum.Instead, use a stainless steel, glass or porcelain pot. Furthermore, when you boil your water, it removes any remaining chlorine and other volatile pollutants.

      This remedy can lessen the risk and it is better to do our own household action before the water agencies take their own preventive measure.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


We all tend to a better life; we all like to eat good food, but this depends on what “good food” means for each of us. Some would say that the fast food is the best, others, vegetables; others, meat or fish, more or less oil. However, this is another topic. What we will talk about today is: What are the good habits of daily life or what to do or not after meal?

We eat to live not the opposite and that’s why we have to get everyday a dose of meal and water. Each of us, then, has his own habit that he builds everyday after or before meal. Like for example, those who don’t want to gain more kilos think that a standing position is the best way to get rid of obesity etc...

 I have noticedthese things that we do everyday, so I have decided to write this article because it could be helpful for all of us.

1- Avoid walking after meal... Many people think that walking after a meal gives them more time to live;” walk after meal a- life longer than 80 “.That is what is usually said but it’s wrong.

2- Avoid sleeping right after meal... Sleeping right away after meal could cause problems in the digestive canal and can lead to some complications, and that is the easiest way to have gastric crisis.

3- Avoid bathing... Don’t take a bath after meal. When you take a bath after meal, the blood flow decreases around the stomach while it increasesin legs, arms and body. This will then weaken the digestive system which will work in slow motion.

4- Avoid drinking tea... Tea contains a large amount of protein. Therefore, taking tea after meal increases the amount of protein in the food that we have taken some few minutes ago. This will otherwise make it difficult for a good digestion.

5-Avoid taking fruit right away... Taking fruits after meal is thought to be a healthy act, but this fills our stomach with air. It’s better to get fruits 1 hour after meal or before.

6-Avoid Cigarette... Smoking kills; we all know that. The other thing that smokers have to know is also that after eating   it’s better not to smoke a cigarette. Experts say”smoking after meal is like smoking 10cigarettes at the same time, and chances of getting a cancer are higher.

 These are some little things that we have to avoid to do right away after meal. It’s true that some of us do at least one of these things everyday, and it could therefore be difficult to stop doing it, but if we really want to stop doing something, we can do it with our will and determination. We will talk about what is right to do after or before meal in our next topic. Always keep it in mind “Good Food ,Good Life.”